Home Haemodialysis

Some patients have the option of doing home haemodialysis, with a dialysis machine at home. Whether you qualify will depend on whether you are medically suitable and, possibly, on whether or not you live with someone who can support you and deal with any emergencies. There are now haemodialysis machines available which are designed for use by patients at home.

In addition, you will need a home that has space for accommodating not only the machine, but the supplies - disposable lines, fluids, drugs, etc - that go with it (the supplies will be delivered regularly from your Renal Unit). If your home is too small, it is worth discussing this problem with your Renal Social Worker.

Some alterations to your plumbing and electricity supply may also be needed. And you will certainly need to have a telephone.

If you wish to do home haemodialysis, you will need comprehensive training in order to become confident and self-reliant. The length of training varies, depending on the individual - it could be from 6 to 16 weeks or longer. And for the first weeks of home haemodialysis, a member of your Renal Unit staff will be with you when you dialyse.

Dialysing at home brings the benefits of increased independence from your Renal Unit and choice about how you schedule your sessions.

On the other hand, however, it can put a strain on the people you live with. It also involves time preparing the machine for each session (unlike in your Renal Unit, where the machine is ready for use when you arrive).

My own feeling about home haemodialysis is one of freedom...