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Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:37 pm
by Blind Terry
Sodium [Na]
Sodium is found in common salt, and is an important part of fluids in the body and blood. Normal is 135-145 mmol/l.

Result Comments
under 135 Low - but this is rarely caused by having too little salt in your body - more commony it is caused by having too much water.
135-147 Normal
over 150 Rarely seen in conscious patients as it makes you very thirsty

Having too much sodium (from salt) in your body is a very common problem in patients with kidney disease, but surprisingly this does not often lead to blood sodium levels being abnormal. Instead it causes high blood pressure and fluid retention.

Albumin [Alb]
Albumin is a protein in human blood - the commonest protein in human blood. It is made in the liver and has a number of important functions. In kidney disease protein may leak into urine causing nephrotic syndrome, in which blood levels of albumin fall. Different methods used to measure albumin mean that different labs can get quite different results for the same samples from patients with kidney diseases. Normal = 35-50 g/litre.

Result Comments
Below 35 Low levels of albumin are found in nephrotic syndrome (when the kidneys leak protein), various serious illnesses (e.g. infections) that slow down production of albumin, liver disease, and malnutrition. May cause oedema (swelling).
35-50 Normal (some labs say 35-45)
50+ High - may be a sign of dehydration

I wonder if your blood results are a combination overhydration and high protein diet. Just a thought, but worth asking your neph. Also might be worth keeping a diary of fluid intake.
