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Transplant and kidney disease TV programs in US

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:40 pm
by Pam
Hi kids,
Sorry I haven't been here for awhile...I have to tell you about the rash of kidney stories and telecasts going on here in the States...
Dr. Phil had Steven Cojocaru on his show yesterday talking about his transplant. It was a very interesting program and they spoke about kidney disease for almost the entire hour. If you don't know, "Cojo" is a fashion and style reporter in Hollywood. He was diagnosed with PKD and has had 2 transplants.
He was also on "Entertainment Tonight" speaking about his transplant and the new book he has out about his experiences. It is called, "Glamour Interrupted-How I Became the Best Dressed Patient in Hollywood".
Our local news has also had a couple of transplant stories, one being the fact that Illinois is the state with the largest donor registry in the US!
Well, I am going to have to read up on all the new posts on KPG-WELCOME to all the new people here!
Take care, guys,