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Hello, question about PKD

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:52 pm
by Marziac
Hi, I've posted a couple of times here before because my dad started hemodialysis a few months ago. I never could get a straight answer from him as to what type of kidney disease he had until the other day it came out he thinks it was PKD. Now I know this is highly hereditary so, how worried should I be? He started having symptoms at age 60 and started hemo 2 yrs later. He had been healthy with no signs of illness before.
I just had my kidney function tested and all was normal but they do often find minute traces of blood in my urine. I scheduled an appointment with a nephrologist and asked for a kidney ultrasound. I'm 15 wks pregnant right now so other tests (MRI, CT scan) would be out of the question.
I've been kind of in a panick since I found out this info. If I have cysts on the kidneys, how long would it be before the kidneys start failing? Anything one can do to slow down the progression?
Thanks for any answers

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:04 pm
by wing
As with most things in life, this tends to vary from person to person.
If you do have this condition and the cysts are large enough, they should be detected on ultra sound scan. In the early stages of the disease, they may not be detected on scan as they have not yet become large enough to be visualised.
The gene that is responsible for the condition is dominant - you have a 50% chance of having the condition (also, a 50% chance of not having it!).
There is nothing you can do to halt the progress since the kidney tissue is programmed to develop cysts and as they slowly grow, kidney function becomes increasingly impaired.
Progression of the condition often follows the family pattern ie. if dad had no problems until aged 60, that's a guide as to the age problems will dvelop (though this is not always the case - merely a guide).
The main thing is that you are aware of the possibility that you may have this condition and that you keep under observation.
Good luck with it all.