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Re: How I cured my glomerulonephritis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:21 am
by johnmac11
PS: Agree the AI aspect is important to explore.

I've had about six autoimmune/part-AI diseases, & fixed 5 of them: celiac, glomerulonephritis, Meniere's, ankylosing spondylitis & restless legs - psoriasis to go.

I've finally started to look at my predisposition to AI illnesses rather than the specific illnesses. It's led me to the conclusion that the paleo(ish) diet has to be a lifetime one, not just one I use to cure this disease or that. And that I need to fix the gut, where the immune system in a sense begins. So am presently exploring prebiotics & probiotics - which (I've discovered) is a brand new science that no-one knows a lot about yet.

Sorry for the slow responses - needless to say I'm not a regular.

Re: How I cured my glomerulonephritis

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:29 pm
by johnmac11
SherryR wrote:Thanks, JohnMac for the info. I've just recently came across astralagus and looking into it for my daughter who has Lupus Nephritis. We've been doing AIP Paleo, though we are doing reintroductions now. She's on Cellcept/prednisone/placquenil and has a serious form of Lupus. Praying for results. We have seen major improvement of her platelets after 4 years. Bit of a combo of the diet and Cellcept but higher dose of Cellcept always make her protein/creatinine levels go up, but if she goes to 0 everything else is effected. So we are doing what we can to heal her naturally while taking the drugs she needs to survive at this point. One day at a time. But glad to hear astralagus worked for you, along w/ the other therapies.
Thanks Sherry - how are things going now?

Yep, astrgalus was the key for me I think. Which is what I expected after looking at the case studies: protein/creatinine improves when you take it, goes into reverse when you stop, improves when you start again...and so on.

Re: How I cured my glomerulonephritis

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:03 pm
by Lynda Rose
“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other immune system conditions: Astragalus might make the immune system more active. This could worsen the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. Avoid using astragalus if you have any of these conditions.